Grey tiles: the top choice for low-maintenance, high-style floors

In the search for a floor covering that is both elegant and easy to maintain, grey tiles stand out as an ideal solution, because choosing this floor covering means striking a balance between aesthetics and easy cleaning. It's perfectly suited to high-style, low-maintenance floors.

The secret is a smooth, non-porous surface

Unlike wood or natural stone floors, grey tiles do not retain dirt, stains or liquids. This makes them particularly hygienic, and considerably reduces the time and effort needed for maintenance. Find out more at

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All it takes is a quick, easy clean to keep your floor spotless

Regular sweeping or vacuuming followed by damp mopping with a mild detergent is all it takes to remove dust and dirt. There's no need for special cleaning products or tedious cleaning techniques.

Say goodbye to stubborn marks and hard-to-remove stains

Grey tiles are resistant to scratches, knocks and common household chemicals. So you don't have to worry about everyday accidents damaging your floor.

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A floor that keeps its shine for a long time

The exceptional resistance of grey tiles guarantees their longevity. You won't have to replace them prematurely, which means substantial savings in the long term.

Save time and energy with a floor that's easy to maintain

Choosing grey tiles for your floors means you can enjoy a stylish and elegant space without sacrificing your free time or peace of mind.

Additional tips for easy maintenance of your grey tile floors

You can easily maintain your grey tile floors and keep them looking immaculate for years to come. To do this, you need to put a few maintenance rules in place.

Use entrance mats

Placing entrance mats outside and inside your home is a first line of defence against dirt and grit. They trap dirt and moisture before it reaches your tiles, reducing the need for frequent cleaning. Choose carpets made from hard-wearing natural or synthetic fibres that are easy to wash.

Place glides under furniture.

Furniture legs can easily scratch tiles, especially if you move them around a lot. To avoid this, place felt or rubber pads under the legs of your furniture. They will protect your floors and prevent them from slipping.

Clean stains immediately.

Acting quickly is essential to prevent stains from setting in on your grey tiles. As soon as you notice a stain, clean it immediately with a damp cloth and a mild detergent. Never use abrasive or acidic products that could damage the surface of the tiles.

Use a broom or hoover with a soft head.

For regular cleaning of your grey tiled floors, use a mop or hoover with a soft head. This will remove dust and dirt without scratching the tiles. Avoid brooms with hard bristles, which can damage the surface.

Deep clean your floors regularly.

In addition to daily cleaning, it's important to thoroughly clean your floors from time to time. Use a mop and a tiled floor detergent diluted according to the manufacturer's instructions. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry with a clean cloth.

Use suitable cleaning products.

There are specific cleaning products for grey tiled floors. They clean and protect your floor thoroughly, keeping it looking new and shiny. Never use aggressive household cleaning products that could damage the tiles.

In conclusion,

Grey tiles are a wise choice for those looking for a floor that's elegant, practical and easy to maintain. They allow you to enjoy a refined space without worrying about tedious cleaning tasks.